Publications in refereed journals (note PDFs available by request). See the Book chapters and non-refereed publications page for book chapters, proceedings articles, etc.
Kuglerová, L., J. Jyväsjärvi, C. Ruffing, T. Muotka, A. Jonsson, E. Andersson & J.S. Richardson. 2020. Cutting edge: A comparison of contemporary practices of riparian buffer retention around small streams in Canada, Finland and Sweden. Water Resources Research 56(9): e2019WR026381 doi: 10.1029/2019WR026381
Siddig, A.A.H., J.S. Richardson & C.F. Dormann. 2020. Drought amplifies the impacts of salt pollution in pond ecosystems: an experimental exploration. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 194:1-9.
Cantonati, M., R.J. Fensham, L.E. Stevens, R. Gerecke, D.S. Glazier, N. Goldscheider, R.L. Knight, J.S. Richardson, A.E. Springer & K. Tockner. An urgent plea for global spring ecosystem protection. Conservation Biology accepted doi: 10.1111/cobi.13576
Kehoe, L.J., J. Lund, L. Chalifour, Y. Asadian, E. Balke, S. Boyd, D. Carlson, J.M. Casey, B. Connors, N. Cryer, M.C. Drever, S. Hinch, C. Levings, M. MacDuffee, H. McGregor, J. Richardson, D.C. Scott, D. Stewart, R.G. Vennesland, C.E. Wilkinson, P. Zevit, J.K. Baum & T.G. Martin. 2020. Conservation in heavily urbanized biodiverse regions requires urgent management action and attention to governance. Conservation Science and Practice 2020, e310 doi:10.1002/csp2.310
Ramey, T.L., C. Prescott & J.S. Richardson. 2020. Influence of moisture, nutrients, and distance from stream on early-stage mass loss of western red cedar leaf litter in headwater riparian forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50: 1391–1398.
Tavernini, D.A. & J.S. Richardson. 2020. Effects of tributary size on the resource supply and physical habitat at tributary junctions along two mainstem rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77: 1393–1408.
Rossetti de Paula, F., J.S. Richardson, A.C.Y. Yeung, S.J. Mitchell & D. Bahuguna. 2020. Decadal-scale changes in suspended wood after riparian recruitment in managed stands in headwater streams of coastal British Columbia, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45:1974-1989. doi: 10.1002/esp.4859
Cantonati, M., S. Poikane, C.M. Pringle, L.E. Stevens, E. Turak, J. Heino, J.S. Richardson, R. Bolpagni, A. Borrini, N. Cid, M. Čtvrtlíková, D.M.P. Galassi, M. Hájek, I. Hawes, Z. Levkov, L. Naselli-Flores, A.A. Saber, M. Di Cicco, B. Fiasca, P.B. Hamilton, J. Kubečka, S. Segadelli & P. Znachor. 2020. Characteristics, Main Impacts, and Stewardship of Natural and Artificial Freshwater Environments: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation. Water 12, 260; doi:10.3390/w12010260
Yeung, A.C.Y., K. Stenroth & J.S. Richardson. 2019. Modelling biophysical controls on stream organic matter standing stocks under a range of forest harvesting impacts. Limnologica 78, 125714.
Chará-Serna, A.M., L.B. Epele, C.A. Morrissey & J.S. Richardson. 2019. Nutrients and sediment modify the impacts of a neonicotinoid insecticide on freshwater community structure and ecosystem functioning. Science of the Total Environment 692:1291-1303.
Yeung, A.C.Y., D.P. Kreutzweiser & J.S. Richardson. 2019. Stronger effects of litter origin on the processing of conifer than broadleaf leaves: a test of home-field advantage of stream litter breakdown. Freshwater Biology 64:1755-1768.
Kielstra, B.W., J. Chau & J.S. Richardson. 2019. Measuring function and structure of urban headwater streams with citizen scientists. EcoSphere 10(4):e02720. 10.1002/ecs2.2720
Richardson, J.S. & E. Chauvet. 2019. Consumer responses to resource patch size and architecture: leaf packs in streams. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 192: 255–261.
Richardson, J.S. 2019. Biological diversity in headwater streams. Water 11, 366; doi:10.3390/w11020366
Kuglerová, L., B.W. Kielstra, R.D. Moore & J.S. Richardson. 2019. Importance of scale, land-use, and stream network properties for riparian plant communities along an urban gradient. Freshwater Biology 64:587-600. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13244
Tiegs, S., D.M. Costello, M.W. Isken, G. Woodward, P.B. McIntyre, M.O. Gessner, E. Chauvet, N.A. Griffiths, A.S. Flecker, … , J.S. Richardson, …[150 authors] 2019. Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones. Science Advances 5: eaav0486
Ramey, T.L. & J.S. Richardson. 2018. Experimental effects of water, nutrients, and microclimate on leaf litter mass loss in headwater riparian forests. Ecosphere 9:e02478. 10.1002/ecs2.2478
Marshall, J.C., V. Acuña, D.C. Allen, N. Bonada, A.J. Boulton, S.M. Carlson, C.N. Dahm, T. Datry, C. Leigh, P. Negus, J.S. Richardson, S. Sabater, R.J. Stevenson, A.L. Steward, R. Stubbington, K. Tockner & R. Vander Vorste. 2018. Protecting US river health by maintaining the legal status of their temporary waterways. Science 361:856-857.
Elosegi, A., A. Nicolás & J.S. Richardson. 2018. Priming of leaf litter decomposition by algae seems of minor importance in natural streams during autumn. PLoS ONE
Yeung, A.C.Y., J.L. Musetta-Lambert, D.P. Kreutzweiser, P.K. Sibley & J.S. Richardson. 2018. Relations of interannual differences in stream litter breakdown with discharge: bioassessment implications. EcoSphere 9 : e02423 DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2423
Yeung, A.C.Y. & J.S. Richardson. 2018. Expanding resilience comparisons to address management needs: A response to Ingrisch and Bahn. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33:647-649.
Naman, S., J.S. Rosenfeld, P.M. Kiffney & J.S. Richardson. 2018. The energetic consequences of habitat structure for forest stream salmonids. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:1383-1394. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12845
Chará-Serna, A.M. & J.S. Richardson. 2018. Chlorpyrifos interacts with other agricultural stressors to alter stream invertebrate community in laboratory microcosms. Ecological Applications 28:162–176.
Kuglerová, L., E. Maher Hasselquist, J.S. Richardson, R.A. Sponseller, D.P. Kreutzweiser & H. Laudon. 2017. Management perspectives on Aqua incognita: connectivity and cumulative effects of small natural and artificial streams in boreal forests. Hydrological Processes 31:4238–4244.
García, L., I. Pardo, W.F. Cross & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Moderate nutrient enrichment affects algal and detritus pathways differently in a temperate rainforest stream. Aquatic Sciences 79:941-952. doi: 10.1007/s00027-017-0543-2
Ramey, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Terrestrial invertebrates in the riparian zone: Mechanisms underlying their unique diversity. BioScience 67:808-819.
García, L., W.F. Cross, I. Pardo & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Effects of land-use intensification on stream basal resources and invertebrate communities. Freshwater Science 36: 609-625.
Kuglerová, L., L. García, I. Pardo, Y. Mottiar & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Does leaf litter from invasive plants contribute the same support of a stream ecosystem function as native vegetation? Ecosphere 8(4): e01779. 10.1002/ecs2.1779
Naman, S.M., J.S. Rosenfeld, L.C. Third & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Habitat-specific production of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate drift in small forest streams: implications for drift-feeding fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:1208-1217.
Yeung, A.C.Y., A. Lecerf & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Assessing the long-term ecological effects of riparian management practices on headwater streams in a coastal temperate rainforest. Forest Ecology and Management 384:100-109.
Naman, S.M., J.S. Rosenfeld, J.S. Richardson & J.L. Way. 2017. Species traits and channel architecture mediate flow disturbance impacts on invertebrate drift. Freshwater Biology 62:340-355.
Louhi, P., T. Muotka & J.S. Richardson. 2017. Sediment addition reduces the importance of predation on ecosystem functions in experimental stream channels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:32-40.
Richardson, J.S., H. Schreier & L. Harris. 2017. Our most precious resource. Pp. 82-87 In: Tortell, P., M. Young & P. Nemetz (Eds) Reflections of Canada: Illuminating Our Opportunities and Challenges at 150+ Years. Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies.
Wipfli, M.S. & J.S. Richardson. 2016. Riparian Management and the Conservation of Stream Ecosystems and Fishes. Pp. 270-291 In: Closs, G.P., Krkosek, M., & Olden, J.D. (Eds.) Conservation of Freshwater Fishes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Richardson, J.S. & M.S. Wipfli. 2016. Getting quantitative about consequences of cross-ecosystem resource subsidies on recipient consumers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:1609-1615.
Sato, T., R. El-Sabaawi, K. Campbell, T. Ohta & J.S. Richardson. 2016. A test of the effects of timing of a pulsed resource subsidy on stream ecosystems. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:1136-1146.
Louhi, P., T. Muotka & J.S. Richardson. Sediment addition reduces the importance of predation on ecosystem functions in experimental stream channels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in press
Naman, S.M., J.S. Rosenfeld & J.S. Richardson. 2016. Causes and consequences of invertebrate drift in running waters: from individuals to populations and trophic fluxes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:1292-1305.
Xiang, H., Y. Zhang & J.S. Richardson. 2016. Importance of Riparian Zone: Effects of Resource Availability at Land-water Interface. Riparian Ecology and Conservation 3:1-17.
Atwood, T.B., E. Hammill, P. Kratina, H.S. Greig, J.B. Shurin & J.S. Richardson. 2015. Warming alters food web-driven changes in the CO2 flux of experimental pond ecosystems. Biology Letters 11: 20150785.
Yeung, A.C.Y. & J.S. Richardson. 2016. Some conceptual and operational considerations when measuring ‘resilience’. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31:2-3.
Majdi, N, W. Traunspurger, J.S. Richardson & A. Lecerf. 2015. Small stonefly predators affect micro- and meiobenthic communities in stream leaf packs. Freshwater Biology 60:1930–1943.
Richardson, J.S. & T. Sato. 2015. Resource flows across freshwater-terrestrial boundaries and influence on processes linking adjacent ecosystems. Ecohydrology 8:406-415.
Minami, Y., M. Oba, S. Kojima & J.S. Richardson. 2015. Distribution pattern of coniferous seedlings after a partial harvest along a creek in a Pacific Northwest forest, Canada. Journal of Forest Research 20:328-336.
Richardson, J.S. & S. Béraud. 2014. Effects of riparian forest harvest on streams: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 51:1712-1721. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12332
Perkin, E.K., F. Hölker, K. Tockner & J.S. Richardson. 2014. Artificial light as a disturbance to light-naïve streams. Freshwater Biology 59:2235-2244.
Avery-Gomm, S., J.S. Rosenfeld, J.S. Richardson & M. Pearson. 2014. Hydrological drought and the role of refugia in an endangered riffle-dwelling fish, Nooksack Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71:1625-1634.
Atwood, T.B., E. Hammill & J.S. Richardson. 2014. Trophic-level dependent effects on CO2 emissions from experimental stream ecosystems. Global Change Biology 20:3386-3396.
Lovatt, C., J.S. Kominoski, T. Sakamaki, B. Macleod & J.S. Richardson. 2014. Leaf-litter leachate and light interactively enhance accrual of stream biofilms. Fundamental & Applied Limnology 184:297-306.
Branton, M.A. & J.S. Richardson. 2014. A test of the umbrella species approach in restored floodplain ponds. Journal of Applied Ecology 51:776-785.
Stenroth, K., T.M. Hoover, J. Herrmann, I. Bohman & J.S. Richardson. 2014. A model-based comparison of organic matter dynamics in between riparian-forested and open-canopy streams. Riparian Ecology and Conservation 2:1-13.
Atwood, T.B., E. Hammill, D.S. Srivastava & J.S. Richardson. 2014. Competitive displacement alters top-down effects on carbon dioxide saturation in a freshwater ecosystem. Oecologia 175:353-361.
Lapointe N.W.R., S.J. Cooke, J.G. Imhof, D. Boisclair, J.M. Casselman, R.A. Curry, O.E. Langer, R.L. McLaughlin, C.K. Minns, J.R. Post, M. Power, J.B. Rasmussen, J.D. Reynolds, J.S. Richardson, W.M. Tonn. 2014. Principles for ensuring healthy and productive freshwater ecosystems that support sustainable fisheries. Environmental Reviews 22:110-134. 10.1139/er-2013-0038
García, L., I. Pardo & J.S. Richardson. 2014. A cross-continental comparison of stream invertebrate community assembly to assess convergence in forested headwater streams. Aquatic Sciences 76:29-40.
Klemmer, A.J. & J.S. Richardson. 2013. Quantitative gradient of subsidies reveals a threshold in community-level trophic cascades. Ecology 94:1920-1926.
Little, P., J.S. Richardson & Y. Alila. 2013. Channel and landscape dynamics in the alluvial forest mosaic of the Carmanah River valley, British Columbia, Canada. Geomorphology 202:86-100.
Sakamaki, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2013. Nonlinear variation of stream-forest linkage along a stream-size gradient: an assessment using biogeochemical proxies of in-stream fine particulate organic matter. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:1019-1027.
Atwood, T.B., E. Hammill, H.S. Greig, P. Kratina, J.B. Shurin, D.S. Srivastava & J.S. Richardson. 2013. Predator-induced reduction of freshwater carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Geoscience 6:191-194 doi: 10.1038/NGEO1734
Bondar, C.A. & J.S. Richardson. 2013. Stage-specific interactions between dominant consumers within a small stream ecosystem: direct and indirect consequences. Freshwater Science 32:183-192.
Martin, A., T. Hoover & J.S. Richardson. 2013. Modeling the role of stage-structured agonistic interactions in ontogenetic habitat shifts. Behavioral Ecology 24:355-365. doi:10.1093/beheco/ars171
García, L., J.S. Richardson & I. Pardo. 2012. Leaf quality influences invertebrate colonization and drift in a temperate rainforest stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 1663-1673.
Dudaniec, R.Y., S.F. Spear, J.S. Richardson & A. Storfer. 2012. Current and historical drivers of landscape genetic structure differ in core and peripheral salamander populations. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36769. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036769 [link]
Dudaniec, R.Y. & J.S. Richardson. 2012. Habitat associations of the Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) at its threatened range limit. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 7:1-15.[PDF on request]
Atwood, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2012. Trophic interactions between insects and stream-associated amphibians in steep, cobble-bottom streams of the Pacific coast of North America. Insects 3:432-441. doi:10.3390/insects3020432 [PDF on request]
Greig, H.S., P. Kratina, P.L. Thompson, W.J. Palen, J.S. Richardson & J.B. Shurin. 2012. Warming, eutrophication, and predator loss amplify subsidies between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology 18: 504–514. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02540.x [PDF on request]
Kominoski, J.S., S. Larrañaga & J.S. Richardson. 2012. Invertebrate feeding and emergence timing vary among streams along a gradient of riparian forest composition. Freshwater Biology 57:759-772. [plus corrigendum Freshwater Biology 57:1532-1534] [link]
Sanpera-Calbet, I., E. Chauvet & J.S. Richardson. 2012. Fine sediment on leaves: shredder removal of sediment does not enhance fungal colonisation. Aquatic Sciences 74:527-538. [link]
Kreutzweiser, D.P., P.K. Sibley, J.S. Richardson & A.M. Gordon. 2012. Introduction and a theoretical basis for using disturbance by forest management activities to sustain aquatic ecosystems. Freshwater Science 31:224-231. [PDF on request]
Richardson, J.S., R.J. Naiman & P.A. Bisson. 2012. How did fixed-width buffers become standard practice for protecting freshwaters and their riparian areas from forest harvest practices? Freshwater Science 31:232-238. [PDF on request]
Moore, R.D. & J.S. Richardson. 2012. Natural disturbance and forest management in riparian zones: Comparison of effects at reach, catchment and landscape scales. Freshwater Science 31:239-247. [PDF on request]
Sibley, P.K., D.P. Kreutzweiser, B.J. Naylor, J.S. Richardson & A.M. Gordon. 2012. Emulation of natural disturbance (END) for riparian forest management: Synthesis and recommendations. Freshwater Science 31:258-264. [PDF on request]
Perkin, E.K., F. Hölker, J.S. Richardson, J.P. Sadler, C. Wolter & K. Tockner. 2011. The influence of artificial light on stream and riparian ecosystems: questions, challenges, and perspectives. Ecosphere 2: art. 122 [PDF on request]
Sakamaki, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2011. Biogeochemical properties of fine particulate organic matter as an indicator of local and catchment impacts on forested streams. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1462-1471. [PDF on request]
Hoover, T.M., X. Pinto & J.S. Richardson. 2011. Riparian canopy type, management history, and successional stage control fluxes of plant litter to streams. Canadian Journal of Forest Research41:1394-1404. DOI 10.1139/x11-067 [PDF on request]
Lecerf, A. & J.S. Richardson. 2011. Assessing the functional importance of large-bodied invertebrates in experimental headwater streams. Oikos 120:950-960. [PDF on request]
Kominoski, J.S., L.B. Marczak & J.S. Richardson. Riparian forest composition affects stream litter decomposition despite similar microbial and invertebrate communities. Ecology 92:151-159. [PDF on request]
Branton, M. & & J.S. Richardson. 2011. Assessing the value of the umbrella species concept for conservation planning using meta-analysis. Conservation Biology 25:9-20. [PDF on request]
Zhang, Y.X. & J.S. Richardson. 2011. Contrasting effects of cross-ecosystem subsidies and predation on benthic invertebrates in two Pacific coastal streams. Aquatic Sciences 73:53-62. [PDF on request]
Kiffney, P.M. & J.S. Richardson. Organic matter inputs into headwater streams of southwestern British Columbia as a function of riparian reserves and time since harvesting. Forest Ecology and Management260:1931-1942. [PDF on request]
Dudaniec, R.Y., A. Storfer, S.F.Spear & J.S. Richardson. 2010. New microsatellite markers for examining genetic variation in peripheral and core populations of the Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus). PLoSOne 5(12): e14333. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014333 [PDF on request]
Gjerløv, C. & J.S. Richardson. 2010. Experimental increases and reductions of light to streams: effects on periphyton and macroinvertebrate assemblages in a coniferous forest landscape. Hydrobiologia652:195–206. doi:10.1007/s10750-010-0331-7 [PDF on request]
Richardson, J.S., E. Taylor, D. Schluter, M. Pearson & T. Hatfield. 2010. Do riparian zones qualify as critical habitat for endangered freshwater fishes? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences67:1197–1204 [PDF]
Wood, S.L.R. & J.S. Richardson. Evidence for ecosystem engineering in a lentic habitat by tadpoles of the western toad. Aquatic Sciences accepted [PDF on request]
Lecerf, A. & J.S. Richardson. 2010. Litter decomposition can detect effects of high and moderate levels of forest disturbance on stream condition. Forest Ecology and Management 259:2433-2443. [PDF]
Sakamaki, T., J.Y.T. Shum & J.S. Richardson. 2010. Watershed effects on chemical properties of sediment and primary consumption in estuarine tidal flats: importance of watershed size and food selectivity by macrobenthos. Ecosystems 13:328-337. [PDF on request]
Hoover, T.M. & J.S. Richardson. 2010. Does water velocity influence optimal escape behaviours in stream insects? Behavioral Ecology 21:242-249. [PDF on request]
Zhang, Y., J.S. Richardson & X. Pinto. 2009. Catchment-scale effects of forestry practices on benthic invertebrate communities in Pacific coastal streams. Journal of Applied Ecology 46:1292-1303. [PDF on request]
Hoover, T.M., L.B. Marczak, J.S. Richardson & N. Yonemitsu. 2010. Transport and settlement of organic matter in small streams. Freshwater Biology 55:436-449. [PDF]
Marczak, L.B., T. Sakamaki, S.L. Turvey, I. Deguise, S.L.R. Wood & J.S. Richardson. 2010. Are forested buffers an effective conservation strategy for riparian fauna? An assessment using meta-analysis.Ecological Applications 20:126-134. [PDF on request]
Richardson, J.S., Y. Zhang & L.B. Marczak. 2010. Resource subsidies across the land-freshwater interface and responses in recipient communities. River Research and Applications 26:55-66. [PDF]
Lecerf, A & J.S. Richardson. 2010. Biodiversity-ecosystem function research: Insights gained from streams. River Research and Applications 26:45-54. [PDF]
Deguise, I. & J.S. Richardson. 2009. Movement behaviour of adult western toads in a fragmented, forest landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:1184–1194. doi: 10.1139/Z09-109. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S., T.M. Hoover & A. Lecerf. 2009. Coarse particulate organic matter dynamics in small streams: towards linking function to physical structure. Freshwater Biology 54:2116-2126. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02279.x [PDF on request]
Sakamaki, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2009. Dietary responses of tidal flat macrobenthos to reduction of benthic microalgae: a test for potential use of allochthonous organic matter. Marine Ecology Progress Series 386:107-113. [PDF on request]
Bondar, C.A. & J.S. Richardson. 2009. Effects of ontogenetic stage and density on the ecological role of the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in a coastal Pacific stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28:294–304. [PDF]
Mallik, A.U. & J.S. Richardson. 2009. Riparian vegetation change in upstream and downstream reaches of three temperate rivers dammed for hydroelectric power generation in British Columbia, Canada.Ecological Engineering 35:810-819. [PDF]
Deguise, I. & J.S. Richardson. 2009. Prevalence of the chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in Western Toads in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. NorthWestern Naturalist 90:35-38. [PDF]
Wood, S.L.R. & J.S. Richardson. 2009. Impact of sediment and nutrient inputs on growth and survival of tadpoles of the Western Toad. Freshwater Biology 54:1120-1134. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. 2008. Aquatic arthropods and forestry: large-scale land-use effects on aquatic systems in nearctic temperate regions. Canadian Entomologist 140: 495-509. [PDF]
Sakamaki, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2008. Effects of small rivers on chemical properties of sediment and diets for primary consumers in estuarine tidal flats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 360:13-24. [PDF]
Sakamaki, T. & J.S. Richardson. 2008. Retention, breakdown and biological utilisation of deciduous tree leaves in an estuarine tidal flat of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:38-46. [PDF]
Marczak, L.B. & J.S. Richardson. 2008. Timing of a resource subsidy alters growth and development rates in a riparian spider. Oecologia 156:249-258. [PDF]
Hofer, N. & J.S. Richardson. Comparisons of the colonisation by invertebrates of three species of wood, alder leaves, and plastic “leaves” in a temperate stream. International Review of Hydrobiology accepted[PDF]
Marczak, L.B., J.S. Richardson & M.-C. Classen. 2006. Life history phenology of Cordulegaster dorsalisin an ephemeral habitat in southwestern British Columbia, Canada (Odonata: Cordulegastridae).Canadian Field-Naturalist 120:347-350. [PDF]
Marczak, L.B., T.M. Hoover & J.S. Richardson. 2007. Trophic interception: how a boundary-foraging organism influences cross-ecosystem fluxes. Oikos 116:1651-1662. [PDF]
Melody, K.J. & J.S. Richardson. 2007. Riparian forest harvesting and its influence on benthic communities of small streams of sub-boreal British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research37:907-918. [PDF]
Marczak, L.B. & J.S. Richardson. 2007. Spiders and subsidies: results from the riparian zone of a coastal temperate rainforest. Journal of Animal Ecology 76:687-694. [PDF]
Zhang, Y. & J.S. Richardson. 2007. Unidirectional prey-predator facilitation: apparent prey enhance predator’s foraging success on cryptic prey. Biology Letters 3:348-351. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. & R.J. Danehy. 2007. A synthesis of the ecology of headwater streams and their riparian zones in temperate forests. Forest Science 53:131-147. [PDF]
Wipfli, M.S., J.S. Richardson & R.J. Naiman. 2007. Ecological linkages between headwaters and downstream ecosystems: transport of organic matter, invertebrates, and wood down headwater channels.Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43:72-85. [PDF on request]
De Groot, J.D., S.G. Hinch & J.S. Richardson. 2007. Effects of logging second-growth forests on headwater populations of coastal cutthroat trout: a 6-year multi-stream before and after field experiment.Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:211-226. [PDF]
Marczak, L.B., R.M. Thompson & J.S. Richardson. 2007. A meta-analysis of the role of trophic position, habitat type and habitat productivity in determining the food web effects of resource subsidies. Ecology88:140-148. [PDF]
Bondar, C.A., K. Zeron & J.S. Richardson. 2006. Risk-sensitive foraging by juvenile signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1693-1697. [PDF]
Harrison, M.L., T.M. Hoover & J.S. Richardson. 2006. Agonistic behaviours and movement in the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus: can dominance interactions influence crayfish size class distributions in streams? Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1495-1504. [PDF]
Hoover, T., J.S. Richardson and N. Yonemitsu. 2006. Flow-substrate interactions create and mediate leaf litter resource patches in streams. Freshwater Biology 51:435-447. [PDF]
Negishi, J.N. and J.S. Richardson. 2006. An experimental test of the effects of food resources and hydraulic refuge on patch colonization by stream macroinvertebrates during spates. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:118-129. [PDF]
Bondar, C.A., K. Bottriell, K. Zeron and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Does trophic position of the omnivorous signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in a stream food web vary with life history stage or density?Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2632-2639. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S., R.J. Naiman, F.J. Swanson and D.E. Hibbs. 2005. Riparian communities associated with Pacific Northwest headwater streams: assemblages, processes, and uniqueness. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41:935-947. [by request]
Mallory, M.A. and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Complex interactions of light, nutrients and consumer density in a stream periphyton – grazer (tailed frog tadpoles) system. Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 1020-1028.[PDF]
Halwas, K.L., M.Church and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Variation in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages among channel units in small, high gradient streams on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24:478-494. [PDF]
J.S. Richardson, R.E. Bilby and C.A. Bondar. 2005. Organic matter dynamics in small streams of the Pacific Northwest. Journal of the American Water Resources Association in press. [PDF]
Matsuda, B.M. and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Movement patterns and relative abundance of coastal tailed frogs in clearcuts and mature forest stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:1131-1138. [PDF]
Zhang, Y., J.S. Richardson, and J.N. Negishi. 2004. Detritus processing, ecosystem engineering and benthic diversity: a test of predator-omnivore interference. Journal of Animal Ecology 73:756-766. [PDF]
Kiffney, P.M., J.S. Richardson, and J.P. Bull. 2004. Establishing light as a causal mechanism structuring stream communities in response to experimental manipulation of riparian buffer width. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 23:542-556. [PDF]
Gjerløv, C. and J.S. Richardson. 2004. Patchy resources in a heterogeneous environment: effects of leaf litter and forest cover on colonisation patterns of invertebrates in a British Columbian stream. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 161:307-327. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S., C.R. Shaughnessy, and P.G. Harrison. 2004. Litter breakdown and invertebrate association with three types of leaves in a temperate rainforest stream. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 159:309-325. [PDF]
Melody, K.J. and J.S. Richardson. 2004. Responses of invertebrates and algae of a coniferous forest stream to experimental manipulation of leaf litter inputs and shading. Hydrobiologia 519:197-206. [PDF]
Zhang, Y., J.N. Negishi, J.S. Richardson, and R.I. Kolodziejczyk. 2003. Impacts of marine-derived nutrients on stream ecosystem functioning. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 270: 2117-2123. [PDF]
Moore, R.D. and J.S. Richardson. 2003. Progress towards understanding the structure, function, and ecological significance of small stream channels and their riparian zones. Can. J. Forest Research 33: 1349-1351. [PDF]
Negishi, J.N. and J.S. Richardson. 2003. Responses of organic matter and macroinvertebrates to placements of boulder clusters in a small stream of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60: 247-258. [PDF]
Price, K., A. Suski, J. McGarvie, B. Beasley, and J.S. Richardson. 2003. Communities of aquatic insects of oldgrowth and clearcut coastal headwater streams of varying flow persistence. Can. J. Forest Research 33: 1416-1432. [PDF]
Kiffney, P.M., J.S. Richardson, & J. Bull. 2003. Responses of periphyton and insects to experimental manipulation of riparian buffer width along forest streams. Journal of Applied Ecology 40: 1060-1076. [PDF]
Cockle, K.L. and J.S. Richardson. 2003. Do riparian buffer strips mitigate the impacts of clearcutting on small mammals? Biological Conservation 113:133-140 [PDF]
McArthur, M.D. and J.S. Richardson. 2002. Microbial utilization of dissolved organic carbon leached from riparian litterfall. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59:1668-1676. [PDF]
Boss, S.M. and J.S. Richardson. 2002. The effects of food and cover on the growth, survival and movement of cutthroat trout in coastal streams. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59:1044-1053. [PDF]
Gomi, T., R.C. Sidle and J.S. Richardson. 2002. Headwater and channel network -understanding processes and downstream linkages of headwater systems. BioScience 52: 905-916. [PDF]
Barnett, H.K. and J.S. Richardson. 2002. Predation risk and competition effects on the life-history characteristics of larval Oregon spotted frog and larval red-legged frog. Oecologia 132: 436-444. [PDF]
Shaw, E.A. and J.S. Richardson. 2001. Direct and indirect effects of sediment pulse duration on stream invertebrate assemblages and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) growth and survival. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:2213-2221 [PDF]
Rowe, L. and J.S. Richardson. 2001. Community responses to experimental food depletion: resource tracking by stream invertebrates. Oecologia 129:473-480. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. 2001. Life cycle phenology of common detritivores from a temperate rainforest stream. Hydrobiologia 455:87-95. [PDF]
Reece, P.F., T.B. Reynoldson, J.S. Richardson, and D.M. Rosenberg. 2001.Implications of seasonal variation for biomonitoring with predictive models in the Fraser River catchment, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:1411-1418. [PDF]
Kiffney, P.M. and J.S. Richardson.2001.Interactions among nutrients, periphyton, and invertebrate and vertebrate (Ascaphus truei) grazers in experimental channels. Copeia 2001:422-429. [PDF]
Reece, P.F. and J.S. Richardson. 2000. Benthic macronivertebrate assemblages of coastal and continental streams and large rivers of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Hydrobiologia 439:77-89.[PDF]
Kiffney, P.M., J.S. Richardson, and M.C. Feller. 2000. Fluvial and epilithic organic matter dynamics in headwater streams of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Arch Hydrobiol. 149:109-129. [PDF – large file]
Rempel, L.L., J.S. Richardson, and M.C. Healey. 2000. Macroinvertebrate community structure along gradients of hydraulic and sedimentary conditions in a large, gravel-bed river. Freshwater Biology 45:57-73. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S., T.J. Lissimore, M.C. Healey, and T.G. Northcote. 2000. Fish communities of the lower Fraser River (Canada) and a 21-year contrast. Environ. Biol. Fishes 59:125-140. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. and P.M. Kiffney. 2000. Response of a stream macroinvertebrate community from a pristine, southern BC stream to metals in experimental mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19:736-743.
Nash, C.H., J.S. Richardson, and S.G. Hinch. 1999. Spatial autocorrelation and fish production in freshwaters: a comment on Randall et al. (1995). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56:1696-1699. [PDF]
Rempel, L.L, J.S. Richardson, and M.C. Healey. 1999. Flow refugia for benthic invertebrates during flooding of a large river. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 18:34-48.
Richardson, J.S. and W.E. Neill. 1998. Headwater amphibians and Forestry in British Columbia: Pacific Giant Salamanders and Tailed Frogs. Northwest Science 72, Special Issue 2:122-123. [PDF]
Grout, J., C.D. Levings, and J.S. Richardson. 1997. Decomposition rates of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and Lyngbyei’s sedge (Carex lyngbyei) in the Fraser River estuary. Estuaries 20:96-102.
Soluk, D.A. and J.S. Richardson. 1997. The role of stoneflies in enhancing growth of trout: a test of the importance of predator-predator facilitation within a stream community. Oikos 80:214-219. [PDF]
Perrin, C.J. and J.S. Richardson. 1997. N and P limitation of benthos abundance in the Nechako River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2574-2583. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. and C.D. Levings. 1996. Chlorinated organic contaminants in benthic organisms of the lower Fraser River, British Columbia. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 31:153-162.
Healey, M.C. and J.S. Richardson. 1996. Changes in the productivity base and fish populations of the lower Fraser River associated with historical changes in human occupation. Archiv für HydrobiologieSuppl. 113:279-290.
Richardson, J.S. and M.C. Healey. 1996. A healthy Fraser River? How will we know when we achieve that state? Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health 5:107-115.
Heard, S.B. and J.S. Richardson. 1995. Shredder-collector facilitation in stream detrital food webs: is there enough evidence? Oikos 72:359-366. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. and C.J. Perrin. 1994. Effects of the bacterial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis varkurstaki (Btk) on a stream benthic community. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences51:1037-1045.
Richardson, J.S. 1993. Limits to productivity in streams: evidence from studies of macroinvertebrates, p.9-15. In R.J. Gibson and R.E. Cutting [Ed.] Production of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in natural waters. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 118. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. 1992. Coarse particulate detritus dynamics in small, montane streams of southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:337- 346. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. 1992. Food, microhabitat, or both?: macroinvertebrate use of leaf accumulations in a montane stream. Freshwater Biology 27:169-176. [PDF]
Perrin, C.J., B. Wilkes, and J.S. Richardson. 1992. Testing stream ecosystem responses to additions of treated acid mine drainage: a mesocosm approach. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11:1513-1525.
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Richardson, J.S. and W.E. Neill. 1991. Indirect effects of detritus manipulations in a montane stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:776-783. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. and R.J. Mackay. 1991. Lake outlets and the distribution of filter feeders: an assessment of hypotheses. Oikos 62:370-380. [PDF]
Wiggins, G.B. and J.S. Richardson. 1989. Biosystematics of Eocosmoecus, a new Nearctic caddisfly genus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae; Dicosmoecinae). Journal of the North American Benthological Society 8:355-369.
Dudgeon, D. and J.S. Richardson. 1988. Dietary variations of predaceous caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae, Polycentropodidae and Arctopsychidae) from British Columbian streams. Hydrobiologia 160:33-43.
Addicott, J.F., J.M. Aho, M.F. Antolin, D.K. Padilla, J.S. Richardson and D.A. Soluk. 1987. Ecological neighborhoods: scaling environmental patterns. Oikos 49:340-346.
Richardson, J.S. and H.F. Clifford. 1986. Phenology and ecology of some Trichoptera in a low-gradient boreal stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 5:191-199. [PDF]
Wiggins, G.B. and J.S. Richardson. 1986. Revision of the Onocosmoecus unicolor group (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Dicosmoecinae). Psyche 93:187- 216.
Richardson, J.S. and R.J. Mackay. 1984. A comparison of the life history and growth of Limnephilus indivisus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) in three temporary pools. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 99:515-528. [PDF]
Richardson, J.S. 1984. Prey selection and distribution of a predaceous, net-spinning caddisfly, Neureclipsis bimaculata (Polycentropodidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 62:1561- 1565.
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Wiggins, G.B. and J.S. Richardson. 1982. Revision and synopsis of the caddisfly genus Dicosmoecus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae; Dicosmoecinae). Aquatic Insects 4:181-217.