
Name      Project     Degree
Dr. Trisha Atwood Food web structures and carbon flux in streams Ph.D. 2013
Stephanie Avery-Gomm Instream flow requirements for the endangered Nooksack dace M.Sc. 2013
Shelly Boss Food limitation of cutthroat trout M.Sc. 1999 – current: Environment Canada
Dr. Carin Bondar Ontogeny and ecology of signal crayfish Dr Bondar’s web Ph.D. 2007 – current: media personality
Stephanie Chalmers Swimming abilities and predator avoidance by dislodged sockeye salmon alevins M.Sc. 2011
Dr. Ana Chará-Serna Effects of multiple stressors and their interactions in freshwater food webs Ph.D. 2017
Jennie Christensen Amphibian Ecotoxicology M.Sc. 2002 – current: Post-doctoral fellow, U Victoria
Danielle Courcelles Impacts of small hydropower projects on stream producers and consumers M.Sc. 2016     current: BC Ministry of Environment
Isabelle Deguise Movements of western toad adults M.Sc. 2007 – current: Environmental Consulting
Dr. Rachael Dudaniec Landscape genetics of coastal giant salamanders Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. Charlotte Gjerlov Streams and forestry Post-doctoral Fellow 1999-2002 – current: Regional Ecologist, Countryside Council for Wales
Dr. Hamish Greig Global change effects on pond ecosystems Post-doctoral Fellow
Alana Hilton Effect of forestry on northwestern salamanders M.Sc. 2005 – current: Consultant
Dr. Trent Hoover Hydraulic influences on stream biological processes Ph.D. 2008 – current: Post-doctoral Fellow
Lisa Larson Biology of Coeur d’Alene salamanders M.Sc. 2009 – current: Parks Canada
Dr. Misun Kang Stream ecology Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. Peter Kiffney Forestry impacts on basal resources in streams Research Associate 1996-1998 – current: US National Marine Fisheries Service
Amanda Klemmer Resource subsidies and trophic cascades M.Sc. 2011
Renata Kolodziejczyk Effects of leaf litter diversity on streams M.Sc. 2005 – current: consultant
Dr. John Kominoski Effects of riparian forests on stream communities Post-doctoral Fellow: current – Associate Professor, Florida International University
Dr. Lenka Kuglerova Riparian and stream ecosystems and riverscape cumulative effects Post-doctoral fellow: current – Assistant Professor, Swedish Agricultural University
Dr. Santiago Larrañaga Effects of climate change on discharge and stream community persistence Post-doctoral Fellow: current – Instructor, Begoñako Andra Mari Teacher Training University, Bilbao
M. Agi Kim Mallory Density dependence in tailed frog tadpoles M.Sc. 1999 – current: Consultant
Dr. Laurie B. Marczak Cross-boundary ecosystem subsidies from streams to riparian areas Ph.D. 2007 – current: Assistant Professor, U of Montana
Brent Matsuda Tailed frogs and forestry M.Sc. 2001 – current: Consultant
Katherine Maxcy Amphibians and forestry M.Sc. 2000 – current: Consultant
Michael D. McArthur Microbial growth on stream DOC M.Sc. 1999 – current: BC Hydro
Jill Melody Forestry and stream benthos in continental BC M.Sc. 2000 – current: Consultant
Aya Murakami Climate variation and stream communities systems M.Sc.
Dr. Sean Naman Causes of invertebrate drift in streams and consequences for drift-feeding fishes. Ph.D. 2017
Junjiro Negishi Stream restoration and physical changes for benthos M.Sc. 2001 – current: Assistant Professor, U of Hokkaido
Dr. Liz Perkin Post-doctoral Fellow
Heidy Peterson Competition between Oregon spotted frog and red-legged frog M.Sc. 2001 – current: Scientist, Seattle Power & Light
Ed Quilty Time series modelling of environmental data Ph.D. (incompl. 2004 -) current: President, AquaticInformatics
Pamela F. Reece Stream benthos and environment M.Sc. 1998, research assistant 1998-2000 – current: Consultant
Aya Reiss Ecosystem subsidies from headwater streams M.Sc. 2007 – current: Medical School, U of Washington
Laura L. Rempel Stream benthos and environment M.Sc. 1997 – current: Research Scientist, DFO Canada
Dr. Felipe Rossetti de Paula Effects of riparian management on streams in the northern Amazon of Brazil Ph.D. 2018
Dr. Takashi Sakamaki Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. Takuya Sato  Post-doctoral Fellow
Jeff Shatford Tiger salamanders & tailed frogs Research Assistant 1997-1999 – current: Parks Canada
Al Shaw Sediment and stream benthos M.Sc. 1999 – current: Consultant
Kim Sheldon Season-specific and stream size-specific survival rates of cutthroat trout M.Sc. 2010
Diane Klimuk Sutherland Sediment and stream benthos Research Assistant 1998-2001 – current: BC Ministry of Environment
Shannon Turvey Congruence of diversity in different taxa, and the role of downed wood M.Sc. 2007 – current: Physician, UAlberta
Sylvia Wood Toad tadpoles and effects of fine sediments M.Sc. 2007 – current: PhD student, McGill U.
Dr. Yixin Zhang Aquatic ecosystems and resource subsidies Research Associate 2007 – current: Associate Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China