I was a Ph.D. candidate interested in how landscape patterns and processes impact aquatic ecosystems. I used multiscale analyses to explore the cumulative effects of headwater impairment on downstream ecosystems. I used headwater streams in the Greater Toronto Area as my study system.
- Kielstra BW, Chau J, Richardson JS. Measuring function and structure of urban headwater streams with citizen scientists. Ecosphere. 10(4):eo2720. LINK
- Kuglerová L, Kielstra BW, Moore RD, Richardson JS. Importance of scale, land-use, and stream network properties for riparian plant communities along an urban gradient. Freshwater Biology. 64:587–600. LINK
- Kielstra BW, Arnott SE, Gunn JM. 2017. Subcatchment deltas and upland features influence multiscale aquatic ecosystem recovery in damaged landscapes. Ecological Applications. 27: 2249–2261. LINK **Featured as the cover photo for the December 2017 issue**
- Tanentzap AJ, Kielstra BW, Wilkinson GM, Berggren M, Craig N, del Giorgio PA, Grey J, Gunn JM, Jones SE, Karlsson J, Solomon CT, Pace ML. 2017. Terrestrial support of lake food webs: Synthesis reveals controls over cross-ecosystem resource use. Science Advances 3. LINK
Szkokan-Emilson EJ, Kielstra BW, Arnott SE, Watmough SA, Gunn JM, Tanentzap AJ. 2017. Dry conditions disrupt terrestrial-aquatic linkages in northern catchments. Global Change Biology. 23:117-126. LINK
- Gunn JM, Kielstra BW, Szkokan-Emilson EJ. 2016. Catchment liming creates recolonization opportunity for sensitive invertebrates in a smelter impacted landscape. Journal of Limnology. 75: 50-58. LINK
- Tanentzap AJT, Szkokan-Emilson EJ, Kielstra BW, Arts MT, Yan ND, Gunn MJ. 2014. Forests fuel fish growth in freshwater deltas. Nature Communications. 5: 4077. LINK
- Szkokan-Emilson EJ, Kielstra B, Watmough S, Gunn JM. 2013. Drought-induced release of metals from peatlands in watersheds recovering from historical metal and sulphur deposition. Biogeochemistry 116: 131-145. LINK
- Strickland D, Kielstra B, Norris DR 2011. Experimental evidence for a novel mechanism driving variation in habitat quality of a food-caching bird. Oecologia 167: 943-950. LINK
We collaborated with an NGO in the Greater Toronto Area, EcoSpark, to have citizen scientists (a.k.a. The Rot Squad) help assess decomposition rates in headwater streams. Here is some more information:
- Blog entry on EcoSpark website
- Coverage in Autumn 2017 issue of King Country Magazine; PDF spread in magazine