Research interests
I am a riparian ecologist interested in riparian zones along stream networks, especially how they are affected by fluvial regimes and hydrological gradients and what their role for freshwater ecosystems is. In natural riverine systems, stream networks represent hydrological and environmental gradients downstream because progressively more and more streams combine to create main channels. This hierarchical organization of streams also affects riparian zones, which systematically change in e.g. species composition, edaphic properties, moisture regimens and widths downstream. Riparian zones are extremely important for freshwater ecosystems because they function as filters of above and below ground fluxes, provide nourishment for in-stream biota and control light and temperature regimes of streams. Thus riparian zones represent a vital interface between streams and uplands.
Many riverine systems in the world have been heavily altered by humans and stream networks are often interrupted and modified on multiple locations in their catchments. In my research I look at how land use, such as agriculture and urbanization, affects stream networks. I specifically address how the linkages between riparian zones and freshwater habitat are disrupted by human modification of the landscape. For example, headwater streams are very important but often the most modified and affected parts of the networks. Therefore I am looking at the cumulative effects of land use on freshwater ecosystems, including riparian zones, addressing the importance of headwater streams. Ultimately, I want to find out whether there are thresholds for headwater modification which, when crossed, are detrimental for downstream ecosystem integrity.
In my PhD research I addressed the importance of hydrological gradients for riparian plant communities. I looked at how species richness and composition of vascular and non-vascular plants change along a river network (i.e. increasing stream size) and with inputs of upland originated groundwater to riparian zones. I also looked whether stream restoration helps to recover degraded riparian vegetation after channelization era. All my research was conducted in northern Sweden, and so I worked in forested catchments with low agricultural and urbanization problems but with large influence from forestry. My research findings, especially the ones about importance of groundwater, are currently being discussed as an optimal strategy for riparian buffer management in Sweden.
For my master’s degree I looked at the effects of forest harvest on hydrology of small streams and snow pack dynamic in Sweden, completing masters’ in Biology. I came to Sweden from the Czech Republic where I completed a bachelor degree in Landscaping, with focus on hydrology of small streams.
If you want to know more about me and my work, please feel free to visit my web page:
- Kuglerová, L., García, L., Pardo, I., Mottiar, Y., Richardson, J.S. Does leaf litter from invasive plants contribute the same support of a stream ecosystem function as native vegetation? Ecosphere 8 (4).PDF
- Kuglerová, L., Botková, K., Jansson, R. Responses of riparian plants to habitat changes following restoration of channelized streams. Ecohydrology, early view doi:10.1002/eco.1798. PDF
- Lind, L., Alfredsen, K., Kuglerová L., Nilsson, C. 2016. Hydrological and thermal controls of ice formation in 25 boreal stream reaches. Journal of Hydrology, 540: 797-811. PDF
- Tiwari, T., Lundström, J., Kuglerová L., Laudon, H., Öhman, K., Ågren, A. 2016. Cost of riparian buffer zones: A comparison of hydrologically adapted site-specific riparian buffers with traditional fixed widths. Water Resource Research, 52: 1-14. PDF
- Laudon, H., Kuglerová, L., Sponseller, R. A., Futter, M., Nordin, A., Bishop, K., Lundmark, T., Engell, G., Ågren, A. 2016. The role of biochemical hotspots, landscape heterogeneity and hydrological connectivity for minimizing land-use effects on water quality. Ambio 45: 152-162. PDF
- Kuglerová, L., Dynesius M., Laudon, H., Jansson, R. 2016. Relationships between plant assemblages and water flow across a boreal forest landscape – A comparison of liverworts, mosses and vascular plants. Ecosystems, 19: 170-184.
- Kuglerová, L., Jansson, R., Sponseller, R., Laudon, H., Malm-Renöfält, B. 2015. Local and regional processes determine plant species richness in a river-network metacommunity. Ecology 96: 381-391. PDF
- Kuglerová, L., Ågren, A., Jansson, R., Laudon, H. 2014. Towards optimizing riparian buffer zones: Ecological and biogeochemical implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 334: 74-84. PDF
- Kuglerová, L., Jansson, R., Ågren, A., Laudon, H., Malm-Renöfält, B. 2014. Groundwater discharge creates hotspots of riparian plant species richness in a boreal forest stream network. Ecology 95: 715-725. PDF
- Schelker, J., Kuglerová, L., Eklöf, K., Bishop, K., Laudon, H. 2013. Hydrological effects of clear-cutting in a boreal forest – Snowpack, dynamics, snowmelt and streamflow responses. Journal of Hydrology 484: 105-114. PDF
- Nilsson, C., Jansson, R., Kuglerová, L., Lind, L., Ström, L. 2013. Boreal riparian vegetation under climate change. Ecosystems 16:401-410. PDF